Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hearing God Lesson #3

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Hearing God Lesson #3
God Uses Everyday Life to Reveal Spiritual Truth

Saturday George and I went rock hunting up in the mountains near Boise, Idaho; I love rocks.  As we drove up highway 55 toward McCall we noticed a large pile of rocks probably from a landslide which at one time covered the highway; it was filled with dried mud, wood and rock.  I of course couldn’t pass up the opportunity to check it for some beauties. 

As I scaled the pile of debris I saw a beautiful rock whose tip was just peeking out the top. As I continued to look more and more tips were visible but they were hard to find because their beauty was nearly completely covered in mud.

They were my favorite colors, deep camel, crystals, and black shiny stuff.  I found myself brushing off mud from rocks which I thought could be what I was looking for but it was difficult because of all the mud.  Some of the rocks cut my hands as I brushed off the ugliness from them. 

But then something awesome happened – it began to rain!  The water from the rain washed the mud off the rocks revealing their beauty.  As I observed this The Lord whispered something like, “This is much like the washing of water through the Word of God in your own life”.  As I thought about this a few places in scripture came to mind, one is: 

Ephesians 5 says, Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.

God reminded me of a spiritual truth through an everyday activity.  In the Bible we can see Jesus did exactly the same thing; He would take everyday life things and reveal spiritual truth through them - For example the parable of the Sower and the Seeds found in the Gospels or the Lost Coin.  God does this because when we have something to attach a spiritual truth to it is easier to remember it...I doubt I will ever look for rocks again without thinking about the water washing off the mud to reveal the beauty again.  

The principle truth God is getting at here is - The Word of God is so important; It has dynamic power in our lives and can pierce though our thoughts and transform our thinking.  It cleanses us as we read and as we hear God speaks - It is like taking a spiritual shower! 

This is another example of how God speaks to us but it is easy to miss if we don’t know His Word or His languages.  When something catches your attention ask the Lord, “Are You trying to speak to me through this?” And keep reading the Bible since in it we find the principles of God’s communication to us. 

Remember: He who comes to God…must believe He rewards those who seek Him!

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