Monday, March 26, 2012

Surely the LORD is in this place

Genesis 28 says, Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, "Surely the LORD is in this place, and I did not know it."

How much we need to have our eyes opened! The Lord said, “I will never you nor forsake you”. Yet, we find ourselves in situations where we wonder where He is. God is in your place with you! He sees you, your situation, what brought you here, who drove you here, all things surrounding where you are; He IS The God Who Sees – Jehovah El Roi! 

Will we view our life only one dimensionally from a natural mind-set or will we walk in and by the Holy Spirit, viewing life and situations, persecutions and potential distractions from a spiritual reality? Let us not be found unaware that God is indeed in this place with us, seeing us, watching over us and ready to bless us as we walk though our 1 Peter 1:6-7.

Let our testimony be "God You are in this place, I know You are with me even though I can't see You I see You, I believe You, I trust You!!

1 comment:

  1. Good encouragement. I notice that we often ask God to be with us or to show up at certin times to be there. I need to be reminded that He already is here, I just need to open my eyes and see Him.
