Discipline of Speaking in Tongues
we hear of Christian disciplines most people’s thoughts immediately reflect on
Bible reading, fasting, and prayer. A couple days ago the Holy Spirit spoke a
phrase to me, “The neglected disciple of speaking in tongues.”

thanked God he spoke in tongues more than anyone. He also wanted all to speak
in tongues. As in other Scriptures, we must assume that what Paul wrote is the
heart of the Lord. We don’t have full knowledge of the benefits of speaking in
tongues. But it must be important. We should discipline ourselves to speak in tongues often.
you don’t yet speak in tongues, ask Jesus to baptize you with the Holy Spirit.
Believe He did. Open your mouth and speak in tongues. He wants you to have it
more than you want it.
is the exhortation from the Holy Spirit:
not neglect the discipline of speaking in tongues.