Sunday, April 26, 2020

A Significant Dream

A Significant Dream

This is a dream George, my husband, had on April 21, 2020. 

I [George] guess I am getting old because I never used to remember my dreams.  I still don’t dream much and only remember one once every several months and almost all have no significance, but last night was something different.

As the dream started, suddenly I was swept into a familiar setting, a Local Church I used to attend.  At once, I felt nostalgia, but then I also noticed some differences.  The decorations of the Church were very intentional and had nothing to do with Christian trappings.  In fact, they seemed to be geared to what is probably a large segment of that community which was a rustic western theme.  Anyone who knows me knows I do not typically care about decorations, but these were so different than when I was there before and so striking that it was jarring enough for me to remember this detail when I woke up.

Next, I was minding my own business and a Woman approached me.  I knew her but she was “generic.”  This was perplexing to me.  I later prayed about this and I believe Holy Spirit showed me that this was a representation of THE WOMAN, THE BRIDE.  When I got this revelation, I decided I needed to write this down immediately.  She told me that she could not preach today and said that I should fill in.  I was shocked.  Why me?  I mean I had not been here for a long time.  Maybe I was a leader there 25-30 years ago, but why me now?  She gave me some notes.  They were discombobulated and the message that she said to convey was just confusing and incomprehensible.  So after she walked away I looked at some of the scriptures she had listed and they were about “love,” but were taken out of context and applied to society in general, where the context of the scriptures were about love for God directly.

So, the pressure was on, the people were assembled, and I had to say something.  Fortunately, or unfortunately, a man got up and went on for what seemed like an hour listing all the programs the Church had going on that week or month or whatever.  As he was going thru his materials, I saw a scripture she had listed in Ephesians 3, which in part states that we are to be rooted and grounded in love.  I then remembered Revelation 2 where Ephesus is rebuked for having forgot their first love. 

When it was time to stand, I preached to this Church and proclaimed that they had lost their first love.  I commended them on how they discerned and rooted out false teachers (which this Church did in real life).  I commended them on how they try to serve the community, but I had to say with tears in my eyes (something else I do not do very often) that they had lost their first love.  I reminded them what it was like when they were first saved.  I reminded many of how they could not wait to read the Bible or talk to their friends about Jesus and how they worshiped and prayed.   The prescription is to remember and do the deeds that you did at first.  They at first had a communal relationship with God.  He was with them and led them by the hand, but now they had become cold and ritualistic responding with works to the community with minimal impact.  They were trying to make their gatherings geared to the community, but marginalized God in the process.  In their lives, there was little to no prayer or true worship and Bible reading was a drudgery. Even though they were not weary, compromise had seeped in and was undermining all the good that was once done.

Oh, the mighty Ephesus Church, founded by Paul, the Apostle, and once pastored by no less than Timothy and the Apostle John doing works and out in the community.  Trying to be a light to mankind, a leading Church, raising a standard, and yet utterly ineffective and in danger of losing the very light they try to be.  The only answer is to repent, remember, and redo what you once did!  If you go to Ephesus today, what is there but ruin?

So, after all this, when I woke up, I asked what was all this about?  Why so vivid where I could remember actual faces of actual people (people I chose not to mention here)? And that generic woman that is familiar, not anyone and yet everyone. 

The answer is there are multitudes of people in the Church of Ephesus.  What nature and the devil mean for harm, God can use for good.  Use this down time to pray, reflect and take inventory of where you really are with God.  Read Revelation 2-3 and ask the Holy Spirit to help you see.  Why Ephesus?  It’s because it is where I live and where millions of other American Christians live, but there are six other Churches.  To him/her that overcomes God will grant you to eat of the Tree of Life in the Paradise of God!  Eternal rewards are real and coupled with a true love for God, will cause you to do things and go further than self-will or religious discipline ever can.

Which Church do you go to?  I believe it is no accident there are seven listed, as seven is the number of completeness.  Is it Philadelphia or Smyrna who received no such rebuke?  Even if that’s your “Church,” there are still things you need to do.  Or it could be Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, or Laodicea; churches that are really messed up, but even now, there is a reward for those that repent and overcome. 

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Revealing

The Revealing

In a recent blog I wrote about the revealing of the person taking place through the coronavirus (C-19). Here are three points to further discuss:

1.   How C-19 surfaces and reveals what is hidden.
2.   After the reset, what remains?
3.   God’s enemies taking advantage of the instability in the world.

When you bump a glass whatever is inside comes out. We see this happening all over society, in governments, in the world, and in individuals. We are seeing the best and the worst surface in people. We see hording, fear, manipulations, and we see kindness, giving, reassurances, hope, and love.

Roots are bringing forth their fruit.

Hebrews 10: 24 says that we are to consider one another in order to stir up love and good works. Most of us really cannot effect world events (except as we agree with God and pray according to His will), but we can stir up those in our circle. Let me encourage you to stop for a moment what you are doing, ask God who needs a phone call. Ask the Holy Spirit to use you to encourage that person, then give them a call. Pretty easy, right?

Now let's move on to 2 and 3: 

After the reset, what remains? There is reset happening in many—mostparts of the world right now. In our country alone it's as if puzzle pieces have been thrown up in the air. How the pieces fit together when they land is up to the church. We can, as the church, stop the enemies of God from taking advantage through the instability in the world. We need to hear the Holy Spirit and then agree with Him in prayer. Previously misfit puzzle pieces need rearranging, while others, which are properly placed, could end up manipulated by the enemies of God. When we pray we have an audience with the King of Kings. He invites us to partner with Him through prayer as He rules and reigns. What an incredible invitation.

I have often thought about what Satan was up to after he tried to temp Jesus in the desert. There are some references of both Jesus’ and the disciples’ encounters with demons, but not about Satan himself. So what was he up to? My belief is that he was community organizing. He community organizes by influencing the minds of the human race. I also believe this is the purpose of the principalities and powers who are assigned to cities, governments, and nations. (As an example see Ezekiel 28 concerning the prince of Tyre.) Areas, large and small, seem to have groupthink and personalities of their own. Satan’s focus was to stop Messiah and His Kingdom come, which would mean his overthrow and imprisonment (Revelation 20). (I doubt Satan knew the plan of God otherwise he would not have killed Jesus.) Furthermore, I believe Satan always has a man ready to rule the world, since he does not know the time of or the events that will lead up to of Christ’s return. He therefore must always have his man ready to usher in the one-world-government (Revelation 13). There are two men who will have a one-world-government: the anti-christ during the tribulation and Jesus during the Millennial Age. 

Is it time for that man of sin to rise (2 Thessalonians 2:3)? I have no idea. But what I do know is that the enemy and his people will take advantage of every opportunity we, the church, allow them to. We want the puzzle to reflect the picture God has in mind when all the pieces land. And that is likely up to us.

Let’s stand in the gap for the world.

Let’s be the kind of people God can tell His secrets to.

Then, let’s talk to God about those secrets.

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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Prophetic Lesson: Stalks of Corn

Prophetic Lesson

Sometimes things are just not as they appear at first glance. We need revelation from the Holy Spirit!

The other night I had a spiritual dream.

Photo: niklas_hamann on Unsplash
It was an undefined void I found myself standing in. As I glanced over to the side, there was a greenhouse filled with luxuriant plants and radiant colored flowers. The stocks of corn were so unseasonably large that they nearly blocked the other plants from sight. As I viewed the thriving plants within the greenhouse I felt like I had been living in deception.

Sadness gripped me in the morning as I considered the dream. I thought I was doing well spiritually, but I had to come face-to-face with the realization that maybe I wasn’t ok. Someone else had planned ahead and their growing had far surpassed mine. I was behind spiritually.

Later in the day I went into my closet—literally my closet—to pray. In my closet I keep a folding chair and a small light for prayer time. The darkness and seclusion is just the right ambiance to help me focus. After I had my prayer time and was getting ready to leave, I felt the Lord nudge me to stay just a little longer.

This time, as I sat in His Presence, He initiated the conversation. “Take another look at the corn,” He said. As I glanced again at the stocks, still vivid in my mind, I was startled; they really weren’t stocks of corn after all. They were some sort of bizarre mutant plant masquerading as corn. They didn’t have ears either, which they should have had for their size. 

Photo: Waldemar Brandt on Unsplash
The plants weren’t corn and they had no fruit!

Now my dream became clear. But had I not entered my closet, I would possibly never had understood it correctly. My mindset would have continued that I was behind in my walk with the Lord, I wasn’t really pleasing Him, and I wasn’t where I should be spiritually. 

A few insights from this dream:

Often we are comparing ourselves with something that isn’t real—at least the way we are evaluating it isn’t real.

If we compare ourselves with another person the Bible says we are not wise.  

Unless the Lord brings illumination we don’t see it accurately.

We, the body of Christ, need the gift of discerning of spirits. (Note that it is not the gift of discernment—it is the gift of discerning of spirits, whether human spirit, demon spirit, angelic spirit, or Holy Spirit.)

There are impostors in the church. The Bible talks about them in many places (2 Peter 2). We must be willing and bold enough to call things as they are. Love does not blanket everything in niceties.

Only staying close to the Holy Spirit will enable us to live in such a way that we don’t buy into mutant masqueraders of light, but are in reality quite dark.

We must pray, people of God!

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