Yesterday at a prayer meeting the Lord gave me a
revelation of Jesus walking in a procession with His people. As I was watching He said, “If you want
Me then you must take My people too, for I am with My people.” He then spoke
this scripture in 1 Peter, “Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying
the truth so that you have sincere love [philadelphia] for your brothers, love [agape]
one another deeply, from the heart.”
I admit I was pretty floored. I was stunned.
See, loving Jesus is easy. He is perfect and always acts in perfect love. He
always has all our best interest at heart, even when He doesn’t act the way we
think He should. But, His people—sometimes not so easy to love.
Don’t get me wrong. Affection for the people of
God is pretty easy for me. The part that’s hard is believing they really have
the best interests of Jesus in mind and heart, and therefore, my best interest,
as well. Before you get too critical with me please understand that I have seen
a lot of abuse in Jesus’ beloved church. Many times at the hand of those who
maybe thought they were doing things Jesus’ way, but then again, maybe not.
So, when confronted by the Holy Spirit with this
revelation, my response was, “Oh no!” because I knew what He was getting at. I know
it is biblical to love the body of Christ, it's just the people that we sometimes have a hard time with, right? To have the appropriate doctrine is relatively easy, too. To live it out isn’t as easy. Jesus is looking for believers who will
actually, through loving God with all their capacity, live in community with
each other and love one another deeply from the heart. Even when that means overlooking
an offense and believing the best. Part of Love's definition from 1 Corinthians 13.

I had missed a huge meaning to what the Lord was
saying. When we are in proper relationship with the Lord and with each other,
then we are able to accomplish so much more, so much easier. It is as if He gives us wind under
our wings, lifting us up higher to soar. Sure this is a metaphor, but there is
a reason why geese, as they migrate, fly instead of walk.
None of us are perfect and yet, Jesus is delighted to hang out with us anyway. I want a community. I want a family of believers that I can do life with and do Kingdom with. I'm ready. I'm hoping. I'm believing.
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