If Need Be
yourself driving along a highway named 1
Peter 1. Mile after mile you journey along on the highway. The sun is high is
the sky. Trees line a magnificent river rushing along beside you, roaring over
boulders and meandering through meadows. Your road paved with 1 Peter 1’s words.
You voice your route to the Lord, bellowing from deep within you the words of 1 Peter 1.
I am Your chosen no matter where I am. I am in Christ—Your precious Son.”
am His through His foreknowledge. Holy Spirit You have given me new birth and
set me apart to God. I am so grateful. I will obey Jesus Christ. His blood…the
precious blood. Grace and peace are mine in the fullest measure!”
cruise along through the wonderfully adorned landscape. Your day is bliss. You
crack your window and now the aroma of pine, your companion.
bless You God! I am born again through Your mercy into a living hope. You rose
from the dead, Jesus. Nothing could stop You—not even death could hold You. I
am Yours forever!”
imperishable perfect inheritance is waiting for me in heaven. Nothing can make
it rust. Nothing can devalue it. My inheritance, given to me by my Father. What
a wonderful Father Your are.”
am protected by Your Spirit’s power, defended as in a fortress—a castle; You
keep me. Faith is real! My salvation will become ever more glorious as I
approach the end of my days. Your face—I will see Your face, God. What a day
that will be!”
am undone! You have done it all Lord Jesus! I am forever Yours! I am overwhelmed
with Your glory. What a life! What a God!”
around another bend in the road, you notice the scenery has changed. Even the
sky. The sun no longer visible. Dark clouds—“Is that lightening?” Rumble. Boom.
The river has even become more tumultuous. It happened so fast.
think to yourself, “Did I take a wrong turn?” You pull over to look at the map.
“Nope, this is the right route.” Hesitantly you continue along your highway.
see a sign—finally. It reads, “Highway of
Holiness.” Ok good, it is the right road. Wait, what does it say? You didn’t
see it on the map when you started out, but there it is on the sign under “Highway to Holiness.” “If Need
Be” it reads. You look again at the map. There it is. The alternate route is
named “If Need Be.”
remember seeing an alternate route, but chose the direct route, didn’t you? How did
you end up on the alternate route? You aren’t sure. You don’t remember the sign or
the turn. You consider turning around. “The direct route, back to the direct
route.” You look behind you just in time to catch a glimpse of a landslide moving
across the road behind you. Fear, just for a moment, grips you.

sets the stage for verse 6-7 “In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a
little while, IF
you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith,
being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire,
may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ…”
need be…
need be…
need be…
have been grieved by various trials,
the genuineness of your faith,
much more precious than gold that perishes,
it is tested by fire,
be found to
the revelation of Jesus Christ…
Faith, genuine faith, is an imperishable inheritance that will not fade or corrode. It is of highest valuable to God. It is so valuable
to God that He will take us on the alternate route when it is in our best interest.
All the seeming valuable losses are nothing to be compared to the refining
taking place in us.
take a deep breath. Renew your commitment to believe God against all
circumstances that He is good. He is a good God Who loves you with an
unrelenting passion. He is determined to make you more like His Son and to
help you focus on the eternal rather than the menial natural world that is
the fire burn and take a knee.
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