Friday, May 6, 2011

Why I Value the Prophetic

Reason 1

The Prophetic has the ability to lift us up from our valley so we can regain sight of the vision the Holy Spirit has given to us. This gives courage and strength to the weary, refocuses our eyes and reminds us of things we have previously seen by the Holy Spirit.

Think about standing on one hill top and seeing the goal on the next hill top. You descend into the valley on your way towards the vision, weariness sinks in and you begin to loose sight of exactly what lies on the top of the next hill.  The prophetic comes, temporarily lifts you up above the valley so you can again see the goal; being reminded of what you've seen by the Holy Spirit you gain encourage to trek up the hill towards the goal.

Lift me up above the clouds
Lift me up above the mountain tops
Lift me up Where I can feel Your Breeze
Lift me up so I can see
You...more clear-ly

Cuz, I was born for Your Anointing
Created for Your Dwelling
A place for Your Spirit, O Lord
I was made for You
I was made for You

This is a song I wrote in a dark hour...

1 comment:

  1. Great allegory. Thank you for reminding us of this truth!
