Caught by Surprise
Ephesians 4:1 caught me by surprise.
A lot happened at church yesterday. Our pastor gave a fantastic message on unity/disunity in the church concerning C-19: to mask or not to mask, to gather or not, social distancing, etc, and BLM. There were a couple prophecies, worship was good, and friends. All-in-all it was a fantastic service.
But then there was that Ephesians 4:1 scripture that nailed my heart to the wall. It is still haunting—yes, that is an appropriate use of the word—me today. Here it is:
I, therefore,
the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which
you were called… Ephesians 4:1
Get ready, here we go.
Many of us, because we are unwilling to sanctify ourselves, will never fulfill our God-given call. That is the raw truth. We will live in spiritual frustration and dullness as we live out the carnal mixture of Kingdom and worldliness. Knowing there is more, for our hearts yearn for the more, but never attaining what could be.
Who are you? Do you have a God-given vision that you haven’t yet walked in? Is it God’s timing that hasn’t yet made this vision a reality yet or is it your unwillingness to walk the worthy walk? That is a hard question.
Can you imagine getting to the end of your life and realizing that you never paid the price to live the life God had for you? You could have changed lives. You could have saved the lost. You could have prophesied to those people. You could have had a healing ministry. You could have… Ouch, that is painful, but is it more painful than the worthy walk?
That is the question.
only live once.
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